Sheltie & Japanese Akita: lost dogs
In the past few years I was involved spiritually and got to know a special ability of mine - I can channel and communicate with lost animals (mostly dogs and cats) and actually see where they are.
Since I discovered this ability, I have helped many people reunite with their lost pets, in Israel and abroad (in places I've never been to)
1. Russia - Sheltie
I was visiting Inna, a friend who has many Russian friends. She was talking on the phone in Russian, which I do not understand.
Suddenly I asked: "Did she lose a dog?" Inna was astounded and said that her friend in Russia had lost a Sheltie bitch.
The owners live in Smolensk, some 100km from Moscow. The bitch was one and a half years old and they had taken her to Moscow to show her to friends there. The bitch was scared, slipped out of her collar and ran off.
I told Inna that I see a big city and that she ran away at an intersection, turned right on the second street and arrived at a dead end with a grocery store on the corner and a three-story yellow house.
The following day, a neighbor phoned the owners and notified them she had seen a woman walking the dog. The owner's friends posted watch over the house and waited, but that night the bitch was moved to another location.
I "saw" them take the bitch in a dark blue car to a neighboring city, about 30km away. She was staying with a well-off family and all their neighbors had come to see the sweet bitch.
I told the owners to notify vets since they would find her through a vet! I even drew the name of the city in Russian letters – and I don't know Russian at all!
The couple did go to a vet – the bitch was on heat. The vet had seen the notice and refused to let them leave with the bitch. The Sheltie was reunited with her owner six days after she had been lost in the busy traffic.
2. Israel- Japanese Akita
One summer afternoon on my way to work, I received a phone call from a friend asking to help him urgently to find a puppy who had gone missing a few hours ago. I asked him to send me a photo and some details about it.
"Here are the photos of Sai, a 1 year old Japanese Akita, white color, without a collar, we live in Ramat-Gan.
The gate of our yard is somehow opened and she was gone, although she never leaves the house. She is lost since 10:30 in the morning, we are very worried. I've searched the whole area and did not find her."

I answered "Is there a school behind your house?"
"Yes" he said "But I've been there several times already".
"Never mind! Go immediately, there are 3 exits to the school, take the left one, go straight, turn left and then the first right and she's sitting there right now, so hurry please."
10 minutes later, I just arrived at work and the owner rang, "Hurray! I found her! Thank you so much! We can't believe that you could help us like that! Thank You!"
We met the following Saturday and I was thrilled (as you can see at the picture on the left...)