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Healing and Channeling - my story

t all started in 1993.

I woke up one Saturday morning earlier than usual and felt an urge to get up and go to my kitchen. Although I felt a bit confused, I went to the kitchen and looked through the window- there was nothing special, the dogs were still sleeping and so was my daughter but still - that weird feeling!

I went outside and saw a large fruit crate in a nearby field. "Nothing strange there," I thought to myself.

However, suddenly what seemed to be a second section of the object appeared on top of the original, doubling its size. Then a seven-foot tall man-like figure appeared near that object. The dogs started barking.

The figure wore a metallic overall and his face was covered by a metallic visor.  Stunned by the phenomenon I stared at "him" about 30 seconds and then quietly whispered "Why can't I see your eyes?" - I heard a clear voice inside my head  -  "That's the way things are."

I felt compelled to go back to the kitchen, looked through the window again - and there was nothing there.

It took me 9 months to realize I had received a huge present from my extraterrestrial "visitors": healing and channeling abilities! I also discovered, to my amazement, that I can find lost dogs and cats in Israel and abroad – including places I have never seen before!
 S ince then, I am a healer with special abilities.
I help human beings and animals alike. I have the ability to alleviate pains and "transmit" healing from afar. Through the laying on of hands above the aching point I can "take away" pains and aches in all parts of the body, including backaches, limps and other serious ailments. Many times I use crystals in the treatment to create a greater effect, channeling energy through the crystal stone.


am also able to "diagnose" ailments by power of thought and my diagnoses are amazingly accurate. In channeling I do two different types   Basic channeling based upon daily happenings and questions regarding change of work, finding a suitable partner, moving house and so forth....

The second type of channeling deals with the spiritual guides of the person inquiring about it and his specific spiritual destiny.

Ziporet   Carmel

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