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Name: Jerry
Age: 10 years old
Import:  Holland
Owner: Iris

Ailment: Heart failure, lungs and breathing problem, overweight.



Treatment: Due to the dog's age and its poor condition it needed 2 sessions of 6 treatments each, following which the dog recuperated and regained its wellbeing.

Throughout the next 2 years we met several times and the dog loved each meeting.




I'm holding the dog gently with my right hand while my left hand is gradually generating healing energy.

The dog is quite and calm as opposed to its usual behavior exhibiting very heavy breathing, barking and fidgeting.



This is the end of the session. Now after six full sessions the dog responds beautifully to the healing! One can see the golden energy shimmering over the serene and happy dog.

This picture has not undergone ANY manipulations, this is how it was caught on a regular camera!

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